14 January 2011

Christmas Aftermath

So last night we finally took our Christmas tree down and to the curb. Apparently here they will just pick it up off the curb with your trash. How nice! First, let me address (make excuses) why we are just now doing this. We were out of town for a little over two weeks, so there was definitely no way for us to take it down/throw it away before January 3rd. Then I apparently lost all track of time for the last week two weeks. Yesterday I told Hubs I needed to remember to water our bonsai tree and he got this shocked/horrified look on his face. Here's how it played out:

Hubs: shocked look
Me: What's the big deal, our landlady watered them the day we got back and it's only been a wee.....
Hubs: It's been 2 weeks.
Me: ...... *eyes get wider* ......  I need to water the plants!

Not sure where one of those weeks went, but I'm starting to get way off topic. Back to the tree excuses. This is only the second year I've ever had a real tree and I had NO IDEA how many needles it could/would shed if it died. Last year the tree didn't stick around in our apartment as long because we had Christmas on the 5th, Hubs left for basic training, and I moved in with his parents shortly after that. Ok, I'm done making excuses. We waited forever to get rid of the tree and then witnessed half of our tree leave itself between the tree stand and the front door on its way out. 

And now....my first attempt at making a movie in iMovie!

-sorry it's on YouTube instead of directly on the blog, the blog apparently did not like my video and didn't want to upload it-
Hope you enjoyed, it's definitely not perfect but I'm ok with it for a first try. That was the life of our Christmas tree in a nutshell...minus it's life on a tree farm and riding back on top of our car from Home Depot. Sorry I didn't turn more lights on for the video, it was late so I just grabbed my camera and didn't bother setting anything up. We, along with the help of our hand vac and vacuum, probably scooped up at least a grocery bag full of needles. The black areas on the top 2 or 3 stairs, yeah those are needles, not just a shadow!

A word to the wise: don't leave your Christmas tree up for eight weeks. It will not live, and you will have a big mess.

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